Additions to Upper Extremity
Batteries, Charger and Rubber Bands
Batteries and Charger
Batteries and a charger are used with myoelectric prostheses to supply the energy for motion of the wrist and/or terminal device (hand or hook).
Rubber Bands
Rubber bands are used to provide tension or grip strength for the prosthetic hook. The patient can select the number of rubber bands needed to perform his or her daily activities.
Compression Socks
Compression socks are elastic stockings manufactured to help control edema (swelling) in the residual limb. These stockings are available in varying degrees of compression. They are often used by new amputees during healing and by patients who require help with ongoing fluid control.
Cosmetic Restoration
A cosmetic restoration is done by professional artists. This is the most cosmetic (attractive) and most expensive covering available. A mold is taken of the amputee’s sound side limb; then a custom made cover is fabricated and painted to match the sound side limb.
Prosthetic Socks
When using a prosthesis with any type of suspension other than suction, the patient will need to use prosthetic socks. Prosthetic socks come in a variety of thicknesses, called sock ply. The socks are necessary to maintain comfort and to fine tune the fit of the prosthesis.
Specialty Terminal Devices
Specialty terminal devices are available for specific activities. Examples of these devices are terminal devices shaped as tools, sporting equipment, or eating utensils.
Upper Extremity Control Systems
Single Cable Control System
The single cable control system is used with the transradial (below elbow) prosthesis. This cable is anchored to a harness worn by the amputee and is attached to the terminal device (hand or hook). The amputee can open and close the terminal device (hand or hook) by applying tension on the cable through glenohumeral flexion (bringing the arm forward and up) or scapular abduction (moving the arm out to the side) of the shoulder.
Dual Cable Contol System
The dual cable control system is used by the transhumeral (above elbow) amputees. This system allows the amputee to control flexion (bending) of the elbow, as well as opening and closing of the terminal device.
Heavy Duty
Heavy duty means selecting more durable components and materials in the fabrication of a prosthesis. Using heavy duty components will increase the durability and weight of the prosthesis.
Teflon Lined Cable
Teflon lining is placed inside the housing of cable control systems to reduce friction when operating a prosthetic elbow or terminal device.
Myoelectric prostheses are electrically powered prostheses driven by the electrical impulses transmitted every time an arm muscle contracts. Grip speed and grip force of the hand are controlled proportionally to the strength of the muscle signal. In addition, some myoelectric hands feature sensors in the fingertips that prevent objects from slipping by recognizing when an object begins to move and automatically increasing the grip force as needed.
Hybrid Control System
A hybrid control system utilizes body power and external power to control the prosthesis.