Services We provide a full range of prosthetics and orthotic products and services working closely with every patient on an individualized level. You will never receive anything other than the best internal and external processes, products and services. Prosthetic Services Additions to Lower Extremity Hemipelvectomy & Hip Disarticulate Partial Foot Transfemoral & Knee Disarticulate Transradial Amputation & Wrist Disarticulate Additions to Upper Extremity Interscapular–Thoracic Amputation and Shoulder Disarticulation Partial Hand Amputation Transhumeral Amputation & Elbow Disarticulate Transtibial & Symes Amputation & Rotationplasty Orthotic Services Cervical & Spine Lower Extremity Upper Extremity Foot Orthotics Pediatric Services Pediatrics