Cervical & Spine

Cervical Collar

The cervical collar is a firm foam orthosis reinforced with plastic. It is used to limit flexion and extension of the neck (occipital to C3). It is sized and fit by the orthotist for comfort and support.

Relief of acute neck pain and minor muscle spasm. Patients with weak neck musculature or those that enjoy the psychological comfort/reminder.

Sternal-Occipital Mandibular Immobilizer (SOMI)

The sternal-occipital mandibular immobilizer (SOMI) is a type of cervical thoracic orthosis that is adjusted to fit each individual patient. This orthosis is a rigid support that limits flexion and extension, provides mild mediolateral (side to side) stability, and somewhat limits rotation. Its design allows fitting while the patient remains supine.

Atlantoaxial instabilities from rheumatoid arthritis or neural arch fractures of C2. Used to control flexion at the atlantoaxial and C2-C3 articulations. Limits flexion/extension by 75%, lateral flexion by 35%, and rotation by 65%.

Minerva Cervical Thoracic Orthosis

The Minerva is a type of cervical thoracic orthosis that has a flexible thoracic vest section with aluminum reinforcement that attaches to the head and neck supports. The purpose of this orthosis is to immobilize the neck and upper spine (C1 to T1).

Jefferson’s fracture without transverse ligament injury, stable burst fractures, light wedge fractures following traction, or occipital condyle avulsion fractures.

Custom Halo

The halo is a ring attached by pins to the patient’s skull by a physician. This ring is stabilized with carbon fiber rods secured to a plastic vest. The purpose of this orthosis is to provide maximum control of rotation, lateral-lateral (side to side) motion, as well as flexion and extension of the upper spine.

C1 fractures with rupture of the transverse ligament, Dens fracture of C2 (Types I-III), atlantoaxial instability from rheumatoid arthritis with ligamentous disruption/erosion of the dens, C2 neural arch fracture and disc disruption between C2-C3, post cervical tumor resection in an unstable spine, bony single column cervical fractures.

Thoraco-Lumbosacral Corset

The thoraco-lumbosacral corset is an adjustable flexible cloth or elastic garment with shoulder straps worn around the torso and pelvis. This orthosis restricts motion, provides increased intra-abdominal pressure, and provides mild support to the lumbar and thoracic spine.

Intended to restrict motion in the trunk and control pain secondary to degenerative disc disorders, trauma or postural deformities, generalized osteoporosis, myeloma, metastatic malignancy, and osteoarthritis of the lumbar, lower thoracic, and mid-thoracic areas.

Lumbosacral Corset

The lumbosacral corset is an adjustable flexible cloth or elastic garment worn around the torso and pelvis to increase intra-abdominal pressure and to remind the patient to restrict motion. It is frequently used for pain control and mild lumbar support.

Patients who would benefit from decreased loading of the vertebrae and discs. Lumbosacral disorders including: degenerative disc disease, postural fatigue, acute flexion injuries, osteoarthritis, and osteoporosis.

Lumbosacral Orthosis (LSO)

The lumbrosacral orthosis is made of plastic and Velcro. It is available in both custom and off-the-shelf versions. This orthosis restricts motion in the lumbar spine (lower back), increases intra-abdominal pressure to support the spine, and helps induce good posture while allowing back muscles to relax producing a decrease in pain.

Lumbar pain, spondylolisthesis, excessive lordosis, spondylosis, spondylolysis, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, lumbar strain, compression fracture, burst fracture, herniated nucleus pulposa, and immobilization following lumbar surgery (decompression, fusion, etc).

Minerva Cervical Thoracic Orthosis

The Minerva is a type of cervical thoracic orthosis that has a flexible thoracic vest section with aluminum reinforcement that attaches to the head and neck supports. The purpose of this orthosis is to immobilize the neck and upper spine (C1 to T1).

Jefferson’s fracture without transverse ligament injury, stable burst fractures, light wedge fractures following traction, or occipital condyle avulsion fractures.

Molded Plastic Body Jacket (TLSO)

The molded plastic body jacket is a custom made plastic orthosis encompassing the entire torso. It is either bivalved (two pieces) or has a posterior or anterior opening. This orthosis provides maximum immobilization of the mid and lower thoracic and lumbar spine. It is fabricated to immobilize the spine in a specific position determined by your physician. An off-the-shelf version is also available.

Spinal fusion, apophyseal fractures, compression fractures, osteoporosis, paralytic spine, spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis of facet joints, spinal muscle atrophy, and congenital myopathies.

Sternal-Occipital Mandibular Immobilizer (SOMI)

The sternal-occipital mandibular immobilizer (SOMI) is a type of cervical thoracic orthosis that is adjusted to fit each individual patient. This orthosis is a rigid support that limits flexion and extension, provides mild mediolateral (side to side) stability, and somewhat limits rotation. Its design allows fitting while the patient remains supine.

Atlantoaxial instabilities from rheumatoid arthritis or neural arch fractures of C2. Used to control flexion at the atlantoaxial and C2-C3 articulations. Limits flexion/extension by 75%, lateral flexion by 35%, and rotation by 65%.

Thoraco-Lumbosacral Corset

The thoraco-lumbosacral corset is an adjustable flexible cloth or elastic garment with shoulder straps worn around the torso and pelvis. This orthosis restricts motion, provides increased intra-abdominal pressure, and provides mild support to the lumbar and thoracic spine.

Intended to restrict motion in the trunk and control pain secondary to degenerative disc disorders, trauma or postural deformities, generalized osteoporosis, myeloma, metastatic malignancy, and osteoarthritis of the lumbar, lower thoracic, and mid-thoracic areas.

Cruciform Anterior Sternal Hyperextension Orthosis (CASH)

The cruciform anterior sternal hyperextension orthosis is an adjustable metal and plastic orthosis with sternal (upper chest), suprapubic (lower abdomen), and lumbar (lower back) pads. This orthosis provides mild thoracic hyperextension.

Mild burst fractures, immobilization after surgical stabilization of thoracolumbar fractures, and anteriorly wedged flexion (compression) fractures between T6-L1. Should not be used to treat fractures above T6.